6 Reasons why Video Conferencing is Essential for Education

6 Reasons why Video Conferencing is Essential for Education



The goal of education is to create the best opportunities for learning for as many students as possible. Unfortunately, not all educational institutions have the ability or resources to offer such programs, and students may be left hungry to learn all the world has to teach them. With video conferencing, you can bring the world into the classroom.




Educators all want to make coursework more engaging, despitelimited resources. Video conferencing in education enables curricula enhancements without straining resources. Imagine a class enriched through the addition of virtual field trips, collaboration exercises with remote classrooms and accessibility to subject-matter experts all around the globe. From visiting world-renowned museums to learning about the stars from astronauts who have seen them from space, the power of HD video facilitates interactive learning experiences.




In the past, students in sparsely populated rural areas have missed out on many of the opportunities that their urban and suburban peers have taken for granted. Connecting these rural students via video conferencing can dramatically improve the quality of their learning experience. This enables them to both attend school from home and gives them access to field trips and experts they would otherwise never have the opportunity to experience.



In our increasingly global society, it’s more important than ever for students to have an appreciation for the world around them. Instantly connecting to other classrooms in countries all over the globe puts a face on geographically distant communities and cultures, preparing students to be citizens and stewards of the more open, more tolerant and more interconnected world of tomorrow.




Video conferencing technology in education enables students and educators alike to learn on the schedule that suits them best. For staff development meetings or classroom lectures, video sessions can be recorded for students to watch later, whether they missed the class due to absence or just want to go over the content during study time. Video streaming and recording enables the delivery of education in HD from the classroom to the laptop or to mobile devices while on the go.




The Blackboard Learn platform serves thousands of higher education, K–12, professional, corporate and government organizations. With compatible video conferencing solutions working behind the scenes, teachers can make live or recorded videos part of their daily course materials. Additionally, students and educators can view and play back HD-quality video from the Blackboard Learn web-based interface, accessed from any computer, smartphone or tablet.




Once up and running for educational purposes, the enormous benefits of video conferencing as a tool for internal and administrative practices will also become apparent.

• Broadcast administrative updates and school news straight to the classroom over video rather than requiring assemblies.
• Conduct remote parent-teacher conferences to help minimize scheduling conflicts using only an Internet connection and a webcam.
• Host video staff meetings and provide a recorded session for those who are unable to attend the live meeting.
• Use video to train teachers and teaching assistants from wherever they are, on any device.
• Record onboarding sessions and stream HR updates for personnel throughout the district.


Explore Video Conferencing
Video conferencing solutions for education can bring the world to your classroom more simply and cost-effectively than you’d imagine