8 reasons why your business needs video conferencing


  1. Speed – Video conferencing enables you to make and maintain that human connection, irrespective of distance
  2. Competitive Advantage – Businesses that utilize technology leverage their competitive advantage . This has been true since the introduction of technology as diverse as steam engines, the printing press, and email. Video conferencing is simply the next logical step
  3. Wear and Tear – Hosting even some of your meetings over video can help reduce your own ‘wear and tear’, meaning you can go around the world – or simply across the country – and be home in time for dinner, homework, bath-time, tee ball practice… or even just get in some more time at the driving range!
  4. Scale – In the past, companies were required to purchase a fixed capacity of “technology boxes” if they wanted to deploy video conferencing infrastructure throughout their organization. Those days are over. The enormous financial step previously required to move from low quality ‘free’ or web conferencing services to HD business video has dramatically reduced . Virtualization and more sophisticated software means you can now start small with your video strategy and build up as you need it, easily and more cost-effectively than ever before.
  5. Travel – The golden age of travel is very much over. Airlines are not getting faster, and travel is not getting better . Flying today is about volume of passengers not enhancing the travel experience for customers. You want your travel to be low cost but more importantly, you want convenience . Today even a flight of a few hours can seem like a hassle.
  6. Business continuity – The weather, fire, natural disasters, epidemics… the list of factors that can affect business, which are often totally out of our control, can be scary. The 2010 ash cloud over Europe grounded over 100,000 flights and left over 10 million people stranded . The economic cost of norovirus (NoV)-associated food-borne outbreaks alone is $5.8 billion annually in the United States. Video conferencing can keep you connected, and help ensure your business stays up and running – from a different location, even if disaster strikes.
  7. Mobility – With the increasing BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend, including mobile in your video conferencing strategy is paramount. It allows collaboration over video in the same way, with the same functionality, as you would have in your office. Additionally, it’s just as easy and cost-effective.
  8. Supply Chain – There was a time when customers and suppliers were all within the same town; today it’s more likely they are spread across the country, or the world. As business that was local becomes more global, how do you establish and maintain relationships from afar? You need to be able to build human connections irrespective of distance, and connect with more people in less time. Consider how websites enable businesses to connect with clients they could never previously reach. Video bridges the gap between distance and the personal touch by giving you the ability to connect, as if you were there, more efficiently, effectively and affordably than ever before.