Hosted Cloud VoIP-Video



Cloud based solutions have become very popular in the past few years – with lower upfront costs, a reduced infrastructure requirement and less maintenance, it is no surprise that there is huge growth in the cloud sector. If you are ready, you can Start your 30 day FREE trial .  Talk To An eVideo Expert Today on 1800 111 387!

However, businesses, both enterprise and SMB’s need to be aware that although there are instances where cloud is best, some on-premise solutions can also be more beneficial long term.  Some organisations will benefit from pushing all their communications into the cloud but some require a more private, secure & in-house solution. Some may need a hybrid of both, with connectivity between the private and public worlds. There may be confusion over which way to go, and companies need to be weary not to fall into a biased trap. As both a cloud and on-premise integrator, eVideo can help you to move in the right direction.

Why is the Cloud so popular?

Whilst Video Conferencing has become a vital part of many organisations, there are numerous challenges faced with traditional on-premise solutions, that can be overcome by moving to the cloud.

  • Interoperability
    Many video conferencing solutions have difficulty communicating with other video conferencing solutions, due to manufacturer differences, protocols (SIP/H.323), age and current network infrastructure set up. Cloud solutions allow everyone to communicate.
  • Connectivity with external organisations, remote workers, mobile workers and guests
    Video Conferencing has traditionally been confined to internal networks, behind firewalls, and external firewall permissions only opened to trusted IP’s.  In addition, the guest or home worker is likely to be behind their own firewall, and generally would not, or could not open control ports, TCP ports etc. .
  • There is no need to buy a bridge or MCU to bridge calls.
    There is no great expense required to buy a bridge.  The cloud is a flexible source that provides organisations with what they need, when they need it.
  • CapEx costs associated with upgrading  and refreshing infrastructure
    Because cloud services, can be paid monthly (depending on supplier) , there is not a huge outgoing for an organisation, and the cost can be spread over many months or years. 
  • Specialised and skilled staff required to support, manage & maintain equipment Infrastructure equipment require specialist knowledge.  The cloud has no equipment to manage freeing up IT staff.
  • Bandwidth
    Cloud solutions do not require huge bandwidth.


Our private infrastructure – do we need it?

The boardroom set up is vital to some companies who want security and data protection.

Large organisations such as those within the financial sector, healthcare and government may have to satisfy ISO requirements and the cloud services will not always comply.

If a recording of meetings is required then on-premise equipment is preferred due to the risk involved in the recordings being stored in the cloud.  Speak to eVideo about our priviate hosted recording services.

eVideo Determine Your Video Conferencing Requirements with These Questions 2019